:: Monday, August 22, 2005 ::
Shave and a haircut, two bits
In a recent fit of lunacy (perhaps under the influence of my Polka dot), I shaved off the last vestiges of my goatee, exposing my chin to the light of day for the first time in decades (or at least years). Having subsequently regained my senses, it is now growing back. But for those of you who didn't have the pleasure of actually seeing me for my two or three beardless days, and for those of you who always bemoan the fact that you can't see my chin or that I'm hiding something (that means you, Mom), I present the following picture (courtesy of my Polka dot). Enjoy it while you can, because never shall it be seen again.

Swedish word of the day: skägg, which means "beard"
:: posted by Rob 10:29 AM [+] ::
Wow, sans beard you look at lot like my cousin Rob. You aren't my cousin of course, even though you're named Rob too. Pure coincidence there. But weirdness nonetheless.
Although, looking at your picture again, perhaps it is not that you and he look similar, but rather that you both wear that same happy expression. My god how I wish I could wear such finery upon my countenance!
I am so happy for you, and jealous at the same time. I love you and hate you for what you've accomplished. And we both know I'm not referring to financial success! :P
May your life continue along a path that keeps your face warmed by a joyous sun, my friend. You are my brother.
Peace, Love and Sssooouuulll!!!
-- O.o
PS. This was jointly inspired by both this post and your post of Aug. 22. Love to you and yours.