:: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 ::
Gotta wear shades
I have finally finished and handed in my offical Master's Thesis entitled, A New American Socialism: Introducing Social Democracy through Social Credit. Woo-hoo! Months and months of work, all finished! I still have to defend it at the end of next week, but for all intents and purposes, I have completed my Master's program. And this degree will probably do about as much for me as my History bachelor's. ;)
In related news, I have also been officially accepted into the teaching certification program at the Oxford TEFL school in Prague starting August 29. Now I just need to find an airplane ticket, give notice that I'm leaving my student room in Falun, pack up my stuff, figure out how to ship it there, etc., etc.
The future is moving right along!
Swedish word of the day: slut, which means "done," "finished" Get your mind out of the gutter!
:: posted by Rob 3:16 PM [+] ::
the future is our, baby :)