:: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 ::
Hairy Coos
I know a lot of people (if anyone still reads this rarely-to-never-updated blog) are waiting for info and pics about the Scotland trip, but as I've been laid low with a bit of the ol' bronchitis and pneumonia (a recurring thing for me in Europe, apparently) I have thus far been unable to make such a post and do it justice.
Nevertheless, to whet your appetites until I am able to post with the authority and panache this blog and you deserve, I give you:
HAMISH the Hairy Coo

 Stay tuned, true believers. When I have my health back, full details (and piccies too) will be forthcoming.
If you can't wait, Polka dot has posted a few pics of the Isle of Skye on her photoblog, and there's our new friend Jess's blog as well (with pictures, including of yours truly). Happy viewing.
:: posted by Rob 12:27 PM [+] ::