:: Sunday, March 26, 2006 ::
An open mind and time to choose
It's been a busy week (and a busy weekend), and I promise I'll be hopping on soon to update y'all with all the Euro-fun I've been having lately. Until then, however, and FYI for all of you across the sea in the Great American Empire (™), today marked the beginning of Summer Time here in Prague (and most of the rest of Europe on CET).
What does this mean? Well, it's kind of like good ol' American Daylight Saving Time, but it's one week earlier.
So now I'm seven hours ahead of you east coasters (and even more, like 53 or so, ahead of you left coasters). That's one extra hour I have that you don't. One more hour to prepare my schemes for world domination from my top secret sub-oceanic headquarters!
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Tremble in fear, those of you still mired in the doldrums of winter time!
For a week, at least. Then we're back to the status quo.
:: posted by Rob 8:31 PM [+] ::
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you actually set clocks ahead one hour in the Springtime? Therefore, wouldn't you actually be losing an hour, not gaining one? Perhaps your evil genius sees things differently. Or perhaps this is why all of Evil-R.'s plans for world domination to date have ended as miserable failures! :P Stick that in your evil pipe and smoke it, maniacal laughing boy!