:: Thursday, March 30, 2006 ::
In a life of Thursdays
Wheeeeeeeee! It's my birthday!! Yes, twenty-two short years ago I was born (if you count years on a planet with a larger orbit than Earth!)
It's been a busy day so far. I teach outside of Prague on Thursdays, in a town called Rakovnik about an hour away. Usually I'm done at 12:30, but for some reason, I agreed to substitute for two more classes there this afternoon. And one of them was elementary, which meant they had never had a native speaker before. I think the shock of that, and the fact I can't speak Czech, was a little too much for them and they kind of froze up. So it was a bit of a difficult class.
On the other hand, I got on really well with the other class I substituted, who were pre-intermediates and very fun and talkative once they got over the shock of a native speaker. They even told me they enjoyed my lesson and asked if I'd be back next week!
And of course, I also got a little more cashish for those two classes (or I will, when I actually get paid next month).
So that's been my day so far. Last night we went out for dinner with a couple of friends, and tonight the Polka dot's taking me out for a birthday dinner. And something else is apparently planned for tomorrow night, but it's all very hush-hush and top secret, so I have no idea what's happening other than the fact that something's happening. I hope I survive until Saturday morning (some of my friends have the tendency to buy way too many shots of slivovice...)
I've even gotten a few special bday packages, including one from the dot-in-laws(!): a very nice book about the beautiful architecture of Poland. And I'm about to head to the post office to pick up another package before they close.
And lest we forget, perhaps the best present of all, from my beautiful, sweet Polka dot herself, the big-ass, cool-as-all-get-out Lego Viking Ship, that I have wanted since last August!! Yipppeeeee!!
I'll be back this weekend (hopefully) with posts about our recent trip to Budapest and much, much more. Stay tuned!
:: posted by Rob 5:42 PM [+] ::
Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin!
...means, surprise surprise: Happy Birthday! :)
All the best, enjoy the Day and the whole wonderful year until the very special '33' celebration...
Argh! I marked your birthday on the 31st. *shrugs* Happy birthday + 1 day, old man. :P