:: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 ::
I had a title for this post, but I've forgotten it now
I had wanted to make this post a few days ago, but then our cable and internet inexplicably went out, leaving me unconnected and adrift, lost, searching, yearning... So now I'm doing this at my school, since I seem to have a little bit of time.
Update the first: Spring! Or rather, the lack thereof. Just when you think it's safe to go back in the water, Mother Nature comes along and throws a blizzard and subzero temps at you. (okay, so it wasn't really a blizzard, but it snowed Sunday night and like all day Monday!) So now everything's covered with snow, again, and apparently we're waiting until April for the end of winter. Something about this being a longer winter than usual for Europe. Whoopee. Even Sweden had a shorter winter than this!
Update the second: I went back to teaching last Thursday and Friday, but apparently I should have stayed home those days too, as I woke up Saturday morning having difficulty breathing. Rather than let it fester and mutate into full-fledged pneumonia like it did last year in Sweden, I high-tailed it to the doctor, where I paid exorbitant fees (plus an extra charge for the weekend) to get ahold of some them new-fangled antibiotics. And now, I'm pleased to report, I'm almost back to tip-top condition, with the exception of a small lingering cough. I'm figuring that should be gone by 2:27 am Friday morning. Mark your calendars.
And with that, I leave you. It will be a dry end-of-week for posts, as my Polka dot and I head to Budapest for the weekend. We leave tomorrow night on the overnight train, have Friday and Saturday to see the sights, and are back in Prague Sunday night, hopefully in time to get some sleep before work at oh-God-it's-early Monday morning. And don't even think about breaking into our sweet Euro-flat while we're away - I have contracted with a reputable canine security firm, and for the bargain price of two porterhouse steaks, I have been assured we will have 24-hour security coverage (at least I think that's what he said - my German isn't what it used to be...)
You know, German.
As in German shepherd.
It's a fast-paced world - keep up.
:: posted by Rob 2:05 PM [+] ::
Have a nice time in Hungary. Try to learn Hungarian :) Supposed to be easy :)