:: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 ::
Can't live with or without 'em
Today is International Women's Day, so let me begin by wishing a Happy Women's Day to all the womens in my life, especially my one particular womens. Interestingly, according to the Wikipedia:
During the rule of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in Czechoslovakia (1948-1989) the International Women's Day was used as a tool of the party propaganda, which hoped to convince women that the party cared about them and considered their needs in formulating social policy.
During the last decades of the regime, this event morphed into a parody of itself. On every March 8th almost every woman got a flower and a small gift (typically soap or a towel) from her employer. Many men took this day as a convenient opportunity to spend the day drinking in the local pub. As a result, the original aim of expressing respect and sympathy to women was completely lost. The party's ritualistic celebration of Women's Day became so stereotypical that it was even ridiculed in movies and on television in Czechoslovakia. Spending the day drinking in a pub? Sounds good to me! Bring on the pivo!
However, according to my Polka dot, IWD is still celebrated in Poland, and she is Polish, so I guess it's flowers for her and no beer for me. I tried to convince her last week was International Men's Day, where women buy their men pizza, but she didn't buy it. (Note: I highly recommend clicking the International Men's Day link - go Trinidad & Tobago!)
And finally, in either the "Oh, the irony" or the "Blessings in Disguise" category, I was all set to go back to work today, when my school informs me that my one class tonight has been cancelled. So I get another day off! But it's another day without any pay! On one hand, I still don't feel 100%, so I can't really complain that I don't have to teach tonight, but on the other hand, I'm going to end up making like two dollars this week. So blessing in disguise or oh, the irony? You be the judge.
:: posted by Rob 12:00 PM [+] ::