We finally found you, Katori!
For those of you who love Japan, martial arts movies, or sadly, even the Power Rangers (and who doesn't?), all mixed with a little comedy plus a sprinkling of subtitles, I present: Rolling Bomber Special!!!!!1
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want your very own Army of Evil to help you destroy the Earth and fight the Earth Defender Freshmen!.
And after you're done watching that, hop on the Sudoku bandwagon at Web Sudoku. It's the craze that's sweeping the nation! (Also added to the link list on the left side, waaaaaaaaay down at the bottom.)
:: posted by Rob 12:28 PM [+] ::
I'm stealing this and making it my own, and I'm going to postdate it so it looks like you took it from me!
Attack, my Army of Discontented Ninja Taxi Drivers! Keep Captain Monkey Hat distracted while I make of with this url! Hah!
AODNTD: Attack Confectionary Go!
-- O.o
Fools! Your Attack Confectionary Go! has no power over my Spinning Croissant Shield!
And my Army of *Rainbow* Ninja Dog Walker Samurai will crush you with their Power Prismatic Tricycle Blast!
ROY G BIV, Activate Go!!!!!11
Hah! You crapness bastard! Iron rice cake llama-fist technique nullifies your dog-walk tricycle riders! I laugh merrily on your misfortunes! Hahahahaha! Now face the wrath of my Ultra--
AODNTD: Sir! Berliner pastry vortex collapses! We must departing!
Curses! You win this round! But by the Omnicron Fishnet Pannier, I shall have my revenge!
- O.o