:: Saturday, November 19, 2005 ::
Silver blue and frozen silence
I've been thinking that winter had arrived here in the Czech Republic, as temperatures have been dropping and this past week I had to update my suede jacket for chilly/gettin' cold weather to my big ski jacket/parka for it's-colder-than-a-three-tongued-horny-toad-out-here weather. But perhaps I was just jumping the gun. After all, it's not even Thanksgiving yet!
But what should I find when I woke up bright and early this morning? Nothing other than snow! On the ground! The weather had called for flurries, but flurries don't usually leave a deposit a fluffy white flakes on the ground. Usually, they're just fluffy white flakes blowing around in the air. Yet here they were. On the ground. Before Thanksgiving. It didn't even snow in Sweden last year until January, and I'm quite sure it hasn't snowed in Virginia yet! I even took a few pictures to share with everyone the winter wonderland of the Opatov panelak-land, from the three different vistas of my flat.
 the back
 the side
 the front
So it seems I wasn't jumping the gun after all. I guess now it's time to break out the hats and mittens and boots, too. But winter's here. With snow! Woo-hoo!
Happy Winter, everybody!
:: posted by Rob 11:48 AM [+] ::
Forecast here calls for possible snow flurries Monday too. -- O.o
Er... make that Thrusday. So with any luck, it'll be a frozen Turkey Day here! Not that I consider snow to be a lucky thing, but snow on the beach... now that will be a sight to see. -- O.o