:: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 ::
Good King Wenceslas looked out
 Statue of St. Wenceslas on Wenceslas Square, with the National Museum in the background
Today is the feast day of St. Wenceslas, also known as Czech State Day, a national holiday here in the Czech Republic, as St. Wenceslas is the patron saint of Bohemia, or the Czech Republic, or something like that. It's good, because it means my Polka dot has the day off, but it's bad, because I don't have any interviews either, and virtually everything is closed.
I thought I had an interview yesterday, but due to a communications snafu, the school's Director of Studies had already left, so no interview. But since I looked like a bedraggled wet dog (due to being caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella as I left the Metro station), maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all. In any case, I re-scheduled my interview for tomorrow morning, and so far I have two more interviews scheduled for Thursday and Friday.
Today seems like it's going to be a laying-around-the-house day, perhaps with some cleaning and decorating thrown in. And this evening, we're meeting some of our friends from Sweden who are here in Prague now - a mini-reunion of sorts.
And finally, square melons: genetic engineering gone wrong, or handy stackable fruit product?
 You be the judge.
:: posted by Rob 10:50 AM [+] ::