:: Monday, July 04, 2005 ::
And the rockets' red glare
A hearty happy Independence Day to everyone (or as we tend to call it, the Fourth of July)! Of course, here in Sweden, there is no such animal, but I did get an SMS from my Polka dot this morning wishing me a happy Independence Day, which I thought was quite sweet. :) And I'm planning on celebrating anyways by roping a few Poles and Germans and other sundry nationalities into joining me at a campfire/barbeque/bonfire down by the lake this evening. Unfortunately, there won't be any fireworks (I should have planned ahead and bought some on Walpurgis Night, but my future-planning skills are sadly underdeveloped) but there should be some hot dogs and beer, and you get any more American than that!
Now it's no secret that my feelings for America run somewhat against the mainstream, but I still feel all warm and mushy inside on our biggest hoiday, because I do respect the ideals that America was built on and represents, if not necessarily the way it has subsequently developed (and I don't mean just politically). And I miss the annual tradition of seeing family at the Summer Palace too, but with the magic of Skype I've at least been able to talk to them. Which of course, only made me miss being there more...
And in honor of this great day, I found an interesting quiz to find out just How American Are You? Turns out I'm not so un-American as I thought.
You Are 46% American | America: You don't love it or want to leave it. But you wouldn't mind giving it an extreme make over. On the 4th of July, you'll fly a freak flag instead... And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch! |
So in any case, here's to you and yours, have a good, safe and fun Fourth. Wish I could be there to celebrate with ya!
:: posted by Rob 11:38 AM [+] ::