:: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 ::
Hawaiian Sup'pa Man
I frequently have asked myself, "If I were a god, what kind of god would I be? And if I were that kind of god, which god would I be?" Long have I pondered such questions, but I am pleased to report I now have an answer! I would be a trickster. And what trickster would I be?
I Am Maui | You love life and you're determined to live to the fullest. You use your bag of tricks to protect those you care about and to teach those who mess with you and yours a lesson, but you're not unreasonable. You're a tinkerer and an inventor, you love to build stuff. You enjoy hanging out with good friends or being out in nature. Like the Hawaiian Trickster Maui, your amiable nature fools those who think you're an easy target. You're not. |
Which Trickster Are You? Take the Trickster Test at www.isleofdreams.net.
Surf's up, moon doggie!
:: posted by Rob 10:28 PM [+] ::