:: Thursday, November 11, 2004 ::
"Let the eagle SOOOOAAAARRR..."
Who woulda thunk it, but could something positive have actually come out of the last American "election"? It seems our good friend Attorney General John Ashcroft has resigned. Maybe there actually is justice in the world, though probably not at the Justice Department.
Ashcroft, in a five-page, handwritten letter to Bush, said, "The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved."
Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever.
"Yet I believe that the Department of Justice would be well served by new leadership and fresh inspiration," said Ashcroft.
Word up, J.J. You got that one right, at least.
"I believe that my energies and talents should be directed toward other challenging horizons," Ashcroft said.
Like a career in music, perhaps?
The entire article can be seen here.
Let's hope Bush tries to redeem himself a little bit and replaces him with someone a bit less, oh, I don't know, fascist? Heck, at this point, a doorknob would make a better Attorney General, especially if it repealed some of the worst abuses of the Patriot Act.
And now, let us remember dear, departed John with a remix of his classic tune "Let the Eagle Soar":
Let the eagle soar,
Like she's never soared before.
From rocky coast to golden shore,
Let the mighty eagle soar.
Soar with healing in her wings,
As the land beneath her sings:
"Only god, no other kings."
This country's far too young to die.
We've still got a lot of climbing to do,
And we can make it if we try.
Built by toils and struggles
God has led us through.
Let the eagle soar,
Soar with freedom in her breast
So long as she's appropriately dressed
And not exposing her chest.
As the lands beneath her say
"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away."
But we shall overcome.
We won't let the First Amendment
stand in our way.
O, let the eagle soar,
but the Bill of Rights ignore
'cause we're in a state of war
Yes, let the mighty eagle soar.
Rock on, John. Rock on.
Swedish words of the day: rättvisa, which means "justice," and örn, which means "eagle"
:: posted by Rob 3:34 PM [+] ::
Ashcroft was bad news, but Gonzales is no prize either.
Bush names Alberto Gonzales, the White House lawyer whose memo paved the way for the abuse at Abu Ghraib, to replace John Ashcroft.
Ashcroft was bad news, but Gonzales is no prize either.