:: Monday, May 31, 2004 ::
The Day After the Day After Tomorrow
So in case it wasn't clear from the title, yesterday I saw The Day After Tomorrow, yet another summer movie that seems to be more critically reviled than it should be. Come on, people, it's summer! Summer blockbusters aren't supposed to be Palme d'Or winners - they're supposed to be fluffy popcorn movies. Yeah, so the science is unrealistic in its timetable. So what? Grapefruit-sized hail in Tokyo! L.A. destroyed by like 50 tornados...at the same time! New York flooded by a tidal wave and then frozen over in an ice age! That's why you go see a movie like this. If you want a Best Picture winner, go watch A Beautiful Mind again.
For me, I'll take my summer blockbusters just the way they are (as long as they're not too over-the-top...)
:: posted by Rob 6:02 PM [+] ::