:: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 ::
O Sverige!
In the interests of good karma, here is a poem I wrote in November 2002. It's basically an ode to Sweden, my (hopefully) soon-to-be home, and an expression of everything I hope to find there.
So keep your fingers crossed, and maybe I'll be able to see that midnight sun before too long!
O Sverige!
I see those mountains in my mind
And canals of icy blue
Beneath a northern sky so clear
A winter's dream of snow
A land of wood and water pure
And of the midnight sun
Beneath a gold-crossed azure flag
An Arctic Circle home
Where I'll find a girl, a flicka fair
With sparkling sapphire eyes
And skin as pure as driven snow
In the light of a warm sunrise
Blushing lips to brush with kisses
And hair of shining gold
I'll lose myself in her warm embrace
That drives away the cold
O majestic Hyperborea!
Home of Vikings bold
Who settled Rus and sailed beyond
To plunder Byzantine gold
Once an empire, now a realm
Where fair Victoria rules
Upon her brow a summer's crown
Set with winter's jewels
O Sverige, land of my dreams
I long to tread your shores
Where the midnight sun shines clear and bright
And the winds of winter roar
My heart beats strong within my breast
As I dream of all I'll own
When my life is cradled in your arms
And Sweden is my home
:: posted by Rob 8:02 PM [+] ::