:: Thursday, August 07, 2003 ::
Rants and sighs
I really need to update this blog more, if anyone out there is actually reading this. Sorry about the wait.
Updated the links on the side with movies I've seen recently, new DVDs, and a brand new feature: Trailers! That's right, check out the trailers for cool new upcoming movies!
So what's going on with me in my life right now? Besides the release of Arcana Unearthed (which only serves as a distraction for real life), I'm having an incredibly bad time at work. Is it just me, or does eveyone else in the world work for complete idiots with their heads up their asses who apparently don't do any work or know how to communicate with other people? Either way, it's sad - either I'm all alone in job hell, or we're all in this boat but we're just too stupid to do or say anything about it.
Seriously, if I didn't have to pay rent every month, I would be so gone. I have to literally hold myself back to keep from screaming at people on the phone (provided, of course, they can even be bothered to pick up the phone to answer it....otherwise, it's leave a voicemail or email, and good luck on getting a response back at all!), or just walking out the door, or just not bothering to show up at all. And with our lovely economy right now, it's oh-so-easy to find a new job, just like that.
But hey, according to a recent interview I saw with the Treasury Secretary, he "thinks it's going to turn around soon." He THINKS!?!?! Shouldn't the @%^$#! Treasury Secretary be able to tell us a little more than that he "thinks" the economy will get better "soon?" Thanks a lot pal, I'll hold my breath for that. Maybe a better economy and good jobs for people are in the same place as the Weapons of Mass Destruction...
Sweden has never seemed so far away....
:: posted by Rob 5:21 AM [+] ::