:: Saturday, January 28, 2006 ::
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Well, it's been many a moon since my last update, and apparently the blogosphere has been abuzz with speculation about my absence (those of you who have commented on you-know-who's blog about this know who you are!)
And indeed, I had plans for quite an extensive post to make up for my lack of recent posts. Tales dealing with Christmas in the good ol' US of A, New Year's in Prague, the weather, work, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Sadly, however, I don't have the time now to make that post.
Because we're moving today, baby! Yes, we're leaving the panelak-land of Opatov (aka the suburbs) for the city life of the New Town, smack dab in the middle of the hustle and bustle, and with a tram stop right outside our door to boot! So there's time only for this quick post before the great exodus begins. But I promise, I'll be back soon, with more to say, and pictures of the new place too! Once we get internet, there of course, which will hopefully be some time in the near future, or whenever I can get my Polka dot to dazzle the internet provider with her mad Czech skillz.
So stay tuned, true believers!* Like MacArthur, I shall return. (And until then, continue reading said Polka dot's blog, as usual, for all your regular updates.) :)
* with apologies to Stan Lee
:: posted by Rob 10:33 AM [+] ::